Monday 25 May 2009

Some first thoughts from the Camden group

1-What does youth ambassadors for human rights mean?

Awareness of human rights and what people are entitled to and that others should see what their needs are.

2-What are human rights?

Rights for humans

3-Why are they important?

If there are no human rights, then anything could happen, no one would have any say in what happens to them, they wouldn't be safe

They are supposed to be universal but they aren't

4-What do you want to tell the other group about your country?

Show them freedom, what they deserve and what they should have.

Show them the good side but also show them the downside here. We imagine in some ways the community is better in Abu Dis - that is good for them but bad for us. There people probably help each other, no gang wars...

5 - What do you want to do when they come?

To show them Camden Lock, give them a good time, maybe cook together
Can they bring food from Palestine?
Learn dabkeh!

5-What do you know about their country?

It's in the Middle East, near Israel, Lebanon, Jordan. There are two or three main religions, Islam, Christianity, Judaism.

6-What do you want tell the other group about human rights issues in your country?

We think it has been getting worse here.. .Has it been getting better in Abu Dis in contrast??

7-Which ways do you know to tell other people about human rights?

Music, websites, art...

8-What do you need to have ready when you meet the other group?

Sweets, chocolate... a bit of Arabic!

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