Saturday 30 May 2009

الى الزوار الاعزاء موسى لمى مجد ايناس سجى زينه محمد ابراهيم ادم ويزن

اخبرني عبد انكم تتدربون بجهد على مسرحياتكم وهذة اخبار جيدة حيث سيكون امامكم فرصة للعرض يوم الاثنين 15-6 ويوم الجمعة 19-6 ضمن فعاليات اسبوع اللاجيء العالمي في مدرسة همستد وفي الحفل الموسيقي الذي سيقام بنفس المناسبة.
لكن هذا لن يكون الشيء الوحيد الذي سوف تقدمونه خلال الزيارة حيث يتوجب عليكم ان تقدموا محاضرات مرئية ومداخلات عن حقوق الانسان وان تعملوا يوميا مع اصدقائكم البريطانيين على هذا الصعيد.
في بعض المناسبات سيتوجب عليكم ان تطرحوا محاضراتكم لمجموعة من الطلاب في اللقاء الدوري حيث من الممكن ان يحضر العشرات من الطلاب من الصفوف المختلفة في نفس المدرسة في لقاء عام.
وفي احيان اخرى انتم ملزمون بان تكونوا داخل صف دراسي للحديث مع الطلاب ولمدة تصل الى 40 دقيقة، ايضا سيطلب منكم وبعد زيارة المتاحف والمعارض ان تقوموا بتقييم ما شاهدتم من خلال اسئلة ستعطى لكم مكتوبة وكل ذلك سيكون في سياق حقوق الانسان.
نحن الان بصدد التحضير لبرنامج الرحلة الذي سيكون قريباً بين ايديكم.
الموضوع الاخر الذي نود الاشارة اليه اننا سنقوم باصدار كتيب صغير عن الرحلة والمشروع بشكل عام حيث سيتضمن كتاباتكم والمواضيع التي ارسلتموها لنا انتم واصدقائككم البريطانيين وسيستمر جمع الكتابات خلال الرحلة.
نحن نعلم انكم اليوم تعملون على جمع الصور والكتابة عنها هذا مفيد جداُ وسيكون جزء من الكتاب نرجوا احضارها معكم.
تحية للجميع

Thursday 28 May 2009

Human rights work...

Dear Lama, Mousa, Enas, Saja, Majd, Zaina, Adam, Yazan, Mohammed and Ibrahim,

More about what will happen when you come...

Abed tells me you are working hard on your drama, and that is great. You will have a chance to do your plays on the Monday at Hampstead School International Evening, and on Friday at the Refugee Week Concert. We are very much looking forward to seeing it and we will video it for the DVD we are making.

But this is not the only thing of course... You will be doing presentations on human rights issues and working with the English young people on issues of human rights every day. Sometimes this will be presentations in school assemblies and sometimes you will be in small groups in school classes and sometimes you will be visiting an exhibition or a museum and still thinking about human rights...

We are working on the detailed programme and hope to send it to you in a day or two.

The other thing to tell you is that we are going to make a small book from the work you and the English young people do during the visit... I know you are working on taking photos and writing about them... This will all be very useful.

Please don't forget to bring this or send it to us now.


قواعد اساسية للرحلة

الطلاب الاعزاء في كامدن وابوديسمع اقتراب موعد الرحلة والتي نتطلع جميعا للمشاركة فيها نحن نعمل بجهد للتحضير لها وكما اعلم انكم تعملون جميعا على تحضير المواد والبرزنتاشنز لاطلاع الطرف الاخر عليها وكذلك انا اود الاطلاع على ما حضرتم.هناك امر آخر يمكنكم المساعدة فيهنحن بصدد اعداد مجموعة قواعد تحكم تصرفاتنا خلال الرحلة ونحن نود منكم ان تحاولوا بانفسكم وضع القواعد بعض القواعد حتى يتمكن المجموع من رؤيتها والتوافق عليها حيث سيساعدنا هذا كثيراً في بناء قواعد لسلوكنا وتصرفاتنا خلال الرحلةمع الشكر ننديتا

Adams answers

What does youth ambassadors for human rights mean?
group of people that want to show for all the world the true in palestine

What do you want to do during the visit?
talk with the other group about palestinine suffring life and the wall problems

What are human rights?
the basic of the all life that gives you free

Why are they important?
because its give you all thing

What do you want to tell the other group about your country?
it's buitefull and the spration wall

What do you know about the other country?
i want to know the free life their and i want to help them as i can .

What do you want to tell the other group about human right issues in your country?
I want to tell them alot things like wall,chickpoints.

Which ways do you know to tell other people about human rights?
Through drama talking and dabka.

Groundrules for the visit

Dear students in Abu Dis and Camden

Now the visit is very near and we are all looking forward to it.

We are all working hard to prepare for it... I know you are all working on presentations for each other and I am looking forward to seeing them.

There is another thing that you can do that will help.

Please will you in your groups try to make a list of groundrules for the visit? Then we can swap and compare and make sure we all agree... That should help us all.

With all best wishes


Wednesday 27 May 2009

Yazan's first answers

What does youth ambassadors for human rights mean?

People who are talk about human rights because they are very important.

What do you want to do during the visit?

I want to talk about how people live in Palestine with the wall .

What are human rights?

Something’s all the people in the world want to live free life

Why are they important?

Because everybody want it to live a good life.

What do you want to tell the other group about your country?

I want to tell other group how people live in Abu Dis and how the people go to there work with all the checkpoints

What do you want about the country?

I want to see how people live in free without military and soldiers around them.

What do you want to tell the other group about human right issues in your country?

I want to tell them that there is no human rights in my country because Israeli occupation.

Which ways do you know to tell other people about human rights?

Through plays in drama talking and dabka.

Monday 25 May 2009

A letter from the Camden students to people in Camden

We are a group of Camden students who are inviting Palestinian students to London; we are hoping to raise money and awareness so that they can enjoy their time here.

We want to learn more about human rights in Palestine and teach them about human rights in the UK. Hopefully, this will be a very educational experience. We also want to learn about their culture and teach them about ours.

It would be very generous of you to help by contributing towards the project. All donations would be much appreciated.

All donations can be sent to: Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, PO Box 34265 London NW5 2WD

Yours sincerely (all of us)

Some first thoughts from the Camden group

1-What does youth ambassadors for human rights mean?

Awareness of human rights and what people are entitled to and that others should see what their needs are.

2-What are human rights?

Rights for humans

3-Why are they important?

If there are no human rights, then anything could happen, no one would have any say in what happens to them, they wouldn't be safe

They are supposed to be universal but they aren't

4-What do you want to tell the other group about your country?

Show them freedom, what they deserve and what they should have.

Show them the good side but also show them the downside here. We imagine in some ways the community is better in Abu Dis - that is good for them but bad for us. There people probably help each other, no gang wars...

5 - What do you want to do when they come?

To show them Camden Lock, give them a good time, maybe cook together
Can they bring food from Palestine?
Learn dabkeh!

5-What do you know about their country?

It's in the Middle East, near Israel, Lebanon, Jordan. There are two or three main religions, Islam, Christianity, Judaism.

6-What do you want tell the other group about human rights issues in your country?

We think it has been getting worse here.. .Has it been getting better in Abu Dis in contrast??

7-Which ways do you know to tell other people about human rights?

Music, websites, art...

8-What do you need to have ready when you meet the other group?

Sweets, chocolate... a bit of Arabic!

Some first thoughts from Ibrahim in Abu Dis

1-what does youth ambassadors for human rights mean?

People how will go to London to take about Palestinian life with
Occupation, about refuges, wall, settlement.

2-What are human rights?

The important thing for people to life like right of moving inside country
and life safely

3-Why are they important?

Because without this thing people can’t live.

4-What do you want to tell the other group about your country?

I want to tell them about our life with checkpoints and wall .

5-What do you know about the country?

I want to know how they live without wall and checkpoints .

6-What do you want tell the other group about human rights issues in your country?

I want to tell them about holy places and our activates.

7-Which ways do you know to tell other people about human rights?

By acting and use some thing like PowerPoint .

8-What do you need to have ready when you meet the other group?

I need good stage ..acting thing .

Logo by Ruhel (after Ibrahim)

Sunday 24 May 2009

Working hard

Keef hal kum

We have been learning some Arabic so we can welcome you
We can offer you tea.... Bidik chai? Biduk chai? Bidkum chai? W haleeb...? Aw bidoon haleeb?

We are preparing our presentations about human rights in Britain. Some of us got extra time...but they are not finished (yet)

It is really sunny today, so not to worry, when you come it won't rain (we hope). It's sunny here but knowing English weather, not for long...
Nshoofkum qareeban

Thursday 21 May 2009

From Enas about the Nakbeh

النكبة: تطهير عرقي وإحلال سكاني:
تشكل نكبة فلسطين محطة سوداء في التاريخ الحديث للشعب الفلسطيني، فمن ناحية تم طردهم من وطنهم وأرضهم وجردوا من أملاكهم وبيوتهم، ومن جهة ثانية شردوا في بقاع الأرض لمواجهة كافة أصناف المعاناة والويلات.
وتمثلت نكبة عام 1948 باحتلال ما يزيد على ثلاثة أرباع مساحة فلسطين التاريخية وتدمير 531 تجمعاً سكانياً وطرد وتشريد حوالي 85%
تم طرد وتهجير اكثر من 800 ألف فلسطيني خارج وطنهم ليقيموا في الدول العربية المجاورة وكافة أرجاء العالم وذلك من أصل 1.4 مليون فلسطيني كانوا يقيمون في فلسطين عام 1948.
واقترفت القوات الإسرائيلية أكثر من 70 مذبحة ومجزرة بحق الفلسطينيين أدت إلى استشهاد ما يزيد عن 15 ألف فلسطيني خلال فترة النكبة.
وأن نسبة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في الأراضي الفلسطينية تشكل 43.6% من مجمل السكان الفلسطينيين المقيمين في الأراضي الفلسطينية ، كما بلغ عدد اللاجئين المسجلين لدى وكالة الغوث نهاية عام 2008، حوالي 4.7 مليون لاجئ فلسطيني، يشكلون ما نسبته 44.3 % من مجمل السكان الفلسطينيين في العالم

*الاستيطان- الغالبية العظمى من المستعمرين يقيمون في القدس بغرض تهويدها:
معظم المستعمرين يسكنون محافظة القدس حيث تشير البيانات إلى أن عدد المستعمرات الإسرائيلية في الضفة الغربية قد بلغ 144 مستعمرة وذلك في نهاية العام 2008 وعدد المستعمرين في الضفة الغربية قد ارتفع إلى نحو نصف مليون مستعمرا .
**جدار الضم والتوسع: يلتهم نحو 13% من مساحة الضفة الغربية:
يبلغ طول الجدار حوالي 770 كم، حيث تم بناء ما يقارب 409 كم منه أي 53.1% من المسار الكامل للجدار، في حين هناك 248 كم مخطط لبناءها، وجاري العمل على بناء 113 كم . ويعزل الجدار ما مساحته 733 كم2 من الأراضي، ويقدر طول الجدار الشرقي الذي يمتد من الشمال نحو الجنوب بحوالي 200 كم . وقد بلغ عدد التجمعات التي مر جدار الضم والتوسع من أراضيها 171 تجمعاً سكانياً مع نهاية حزيران 2008.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Concert at SCCS on Friday 19th June

Leaflets soon available for this concert with

lowkey mc (rap)
ivor dembina (compere)
saddaqa trio (classical)
velvet glove (acapella)
youth drama from Palestine and Camden
maria fidelis gospel choir
and more

6pm - Food
7pm - Performance
Please tell your friends and book tickets from SCCS or from our website

Remember this date

I tried to put in the whole leaflet image but it didn't work. Never mind - Please remember the date and tell your friends!


Merhaba - Keefkum?

Greetings to our friends in Palestine

This week we did a lot of work about human rights, and we watched a film of some of you that Annika made in Abu Dis. It was really nice to see you! We are trying to raise money to take you on some really good outings when you are here... There is so much to do to prepare for your visit that next week we are making an extra meeting ...

Between us, we will be with you most of the time you are in London
Ruhel, Akhran, Abdu, Ballu, Maha, Anna, Chiara, Nadia, Tania, Saf and Zaynab
Also Beth, Diarmaid, Ben, Nandita (and lots of others too)

Saturday 16 May 2009

Refugee Week Concert

Here it is on Facebook... We need a good leaflet now...

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Ibrahim's logo design

The four boys coming to Camden (and friends)

Above - Yazan, Ibrahim, Adam and Mohammed

This is a part of the Dar Assadaqa dabkeh team: Adam and Yazan are on the right (on the left are Nadeem and another Mohammed - they came to Camden, London with the youth dabkeh team two years ago)

Sunday 10 May 2009

Nadia's logo design


The Camden group did lots of things today - watched films, talked about human rights, talked about Abu Dis, looked at maps of Palestine, learned a bit of Arabic (some of us know Arabic already). This is Saf, Zaynab, Ballu, Maha, Nadia, Chiara, Akhran, Abdul and Anna.
Tania and Leighanne couldn't come today.

From Saf and Chiara to the Palestinian kids


We're Saf and Chiara :) Saf's 15 and Chiara is 14. Saf goes to South Camden Community School and Chiara goes to Camden School for Girls.

We are very very much looking forward to meeting you and taking you around London. When you come, we're going to take you to Camden Lock which is this really awesome market. And we can't wait to show you the other cool stuff in London. We're also going to discuss human rights and see what the problems are with the system. We are very interestd in your stories and we want to help to change things for you because we think that it is really unfair.

We watched your videos today and we thought that you are all coming well. It's sad that some annoying people hav to ruin it for everybody else. We strongly believe that all people should be allowed to move abou freely. The Wall in Palestine is absolutely wrong. It should not exist. You are all really strong. In our eyes you are stronger than the Israelis.

We really can't wait for you to come. We hope that one day we can visit you in Palestine.

Lots of love
Saf and Chiara :)

From Akhran, Maha and Nadia

Hello again! It's Akhran, Maha and Nadia

We've just seen your videos and we think they're great. We're very excited and can't wait to meet you. We have also been learning about Abu Dis and your life stype. We are very impressed by the way you are dealing with the Wall and how you are putting up with the terrible abuse from the Israelis.

We think you're so brave and really look up to you. Can't wait to see you.

From Zaynab and Ballu

Hello, we are Zaynab and Ballu from Camden. Today we have been learning more about Abu Dis and the Wall in Palestine. We think it is awful how it has broken up families and the Palestinians have been denied access to schools and health clinics. It is also a terrible injustice that you cannot cross over to Jerusalem without a blue pass. However, we like how the people of Abu Dis express their feelings on the Wall and people from all over the world visit just to leave a message.

We are angry that the Israelis took over the land and refuse to return it, but we have hope that in the future things will change. As well as learning about Palestine, we have been learning about Human Rights. By doing this project, we think that the human rights situation in Abu Dis could be improved.

Has the Wall affected how you go to school, who you meet, how you feel?

And what do you look forward to most on your visit to London?

From Anna and Abdu

We're both 14 years old! Abdu goes to Hampstead School and Anna goes to Camden School for Girls. We both watched your video and felt very sad and frustrated that you're separated from your friends and family. And we hope to see you really soon!
Your new mates Abdu and Anna.

From Anna to the Palestinian kids

Hi, I'm Anna, I'm 14 years old and I go to Camden School for Girls. After watching your video I felt as if I couldn't do anything... I'm hoping to see you and I know we'll become good buddies.
My favourite subjects are Music, Art and History. I also find it sad that you're separated from your loved ones and it makes me really angry. I can't wait to see you!

Friday 8 May 2009

Pictures from the prisoners' demo in Abu Dis

These are pictures from the demonstration in Abu Dis about Palestinian prisoners - this is the demonstration that Saja was speaking at (see below). The boys in orange shirts come from the Arab Institute School - that is the school that Yazan, Ibrahim and Adam go to. The Dar Assadaqa banner comes from the community centre that Yazan, Ibrahim, Adam, Mohammad, Saja, Enas, Zaina and Majd all go to to learn English, drama and dabkeh.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Saja's speech

This is an article from the newspaper in Palestine - It is about a demonstration about Palestinian prisoners in Abu Dis yesterday on 6th May - It says something about a speech that I made - Saja

We are the four girls coming to Camden

From Enas

ma name is enas za a'treh

i'm therteen years old .I live in sawahreh nera jerusalem .I'm study in abu dis girls school . i have in drama group in dar alsadaqa . i like to go london , because i want to see big bin and any thing in london , my hopes is swimming and drow .

Wednesday 6 May 2009

The first meeting in Camden....

Greetings from Camden. We are really excited and we are looking forward to meeting you all!

Hi! I'm Saf. I'm 15 years old and I go to South Camden Community School. I'm relly looking forward to meeting you and learning about your life and stuff. :)

Hey, my name is Zaynab. I also go to South Camden. I'm Bengali. I'm really excited to be given the opportunity to participate in this.

Hello, my name is Ballu. My school is called Maria Fidelis Convent. I'm 15 years old too and I think learning about your lives in Palestine and human rights will be very interesting! Looking forward to meeting you!

Hey, my name is Maha, I'm 17 years old and I'm from Lebanon. I'm very excited to meet the students from Palestine and overjoyed that I've been given the opportunity to take part in this project.

Hey, I'm Nadia. I'm 17 years old and I'm half Egyptian, half Polish. I'm excited about this project and can't wait to meet the Palestinian students.

Hi, my name is Akhran and I'm 15 years old. I'm partially from America and partially from Ethiopia. To me it's a tremendous honour to have the opportunity to take part in this project with you, and also just to meet you.

Hi, my name is Abdul. I'm 14 years old and am looking forward to meeting you all, I'm very excited to make new friends and hope to see you soon! - Abdul Lamara, hopefully one of your new friends!

(Steven, Leighan, Anna and Chiara were not here today)

Simple Arabic

Monday 4 May 2009

Dar Assadaqa drama group

Some of the kids from Abu Dis who are coming to London in June were in a play about their lives - see pictures below. This was in the hall at Abu Dis girls' school. There is also a picture here of musicians from Abu Dis (the "Camden band") with the Dar Assadaqa banner, which was made by the women's group of the Dar Assadaqa community centre, where the drama group is based.

Sunday 3 May 2009


Some of the London group have suggested that we make a tee-shirt for all of you with a Youth Ambassadors logo... What do you think?
What should it have on it?
(Youth in Action logo, Camden Abu Dis logo, and...)
Please let us know your ideas


Some questions for both groups...

What does youth ambassadors for human rights mean?
What do you want to do during the visit?
What are human rights?
Why are they important?
Thinking about Britain and Palestine
What do you want to tell the other group about your country?
What do you know about the other country?
What do you want to tell the other group about human rights issues in your country?
Which ways do you know to tell other people about human rights?
What do you need to have ready when you meet the other group?